PERS tracks related legislation on this page during each session of the Mississippi Legislature. You may also use the tool at the right to view PERS-related legislation from past years.
PERS law can be found in Miss. Code Ann. § 25-11 (1972, as amended)
Legislation Archive
This is an archive of recent PERS Legislative Summaries. Use the following drop-box menu to locate and view a PDF summary of PERS-related legislation for the selected year. The PDF summary will open in a new browser tab.
- Legislative Summaries
2024 Legislative Summary 2023 Legislative Summary 2022 Legislative Summary 2021 Legislative Summary 2020 Legislative Summary 2019 Legislative Summary 2018 Legislative Summary 2017 Legislative Summary 2016 Legislative Summary 2015 Legislative Summary 2014 Legislative Summary 2013 Legislative Summary
2025 Legislative Letter
The linked letter and attachments below were sent December 23, 2024, to Speaker of the House of Representatives Jason White, Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann, Mississippi Senate Appropriations Chair Briggs Hopson, and Mississippi House Appropriations Chair John Read relaying the results of actuarial reports, in accordance with state law.
- Letter to Legislative Leadership on ADC and Actuarial Assessments with Attachments
Letter PERS Actuarial Audit - GRS PERS Actuarial Audit - CavMac PERS Actuarial Audit - Cheiron Summary Sheet of Actuarial Audits Earnings and Contributions by Employer Type
2024 Legislative Letter
The linked letter and attachments below were sent January 25, 2024, to Speaker of the House of Representatives Jason White and Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann relaying legislative requests for PERS.
- Letter to Legislative Leadership with Attachments
Pending - 2025 Legislative Session
- House Bill 1 - Lamar
House Bill 1 - Lamar -Revises the distribution of net proceeds generated by the Mississippi Lottery to provide that $100 million of the net proceeds shall be paid to PERS until the PERS funded ratio is 80 percent at the end of a fiscal year. This payment shall begin July 1, 2026.
- 01-10-25 - House introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means
- 01-14-25 - House Do pass as amended from committee House Ways and Means
- 01-16-25 Brought up in the House for discussion 2:09pm
- 01-16-25 H 1 Committee amendment(s) adopted
- 01-16-25 H 2 Floor amendment(s) adopted
- 01-16-25 H Passed (Vote Y: 88/N: 24)
- 01-17-25 S Received in the Senate - Not referred
- House Bill 1432 - Roberson
House Bill 1432 - Roberson - MS Charter School Act of 2013; revise to expand opportunities for establishment of charter schools in certain districts.
- 01-22-25 H introduced and referred to committee on House Education
- 02-04-25 H Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
- 02-12-25 H Committee Substitute Adopted
- 02-12-25 H Amended
- 02-12-25 H Passed as Amended
- House Concurrent Resolution 30 - Wallace
House Concurrent Resolution 30 - Wallace - Constitution; amend to provide that the people have the right to propose new statutes and amend or repeal existing statutes.
- 01-20-25 H referred to Constitution
- 1-29-25 H Do pass as amended from committee House Constitution
- Senate Bill 2439 - Sparks
Senate Bill 2439 - Sparks - PERS; create a fifth tier, and terminate SLRP, for employees hired on or after July 1, 2025.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Rules
- 02-04-25 S Do pass as substituted from committee Senate Rules
- 02-12-25 S Committee Substitute Adopted
- 02-12-25 S Amended
- 02-12-25 S Passed as Amended
- Senate Bill 2449 - Sparks
Senate Bill 2449 - Sparks - ORP; revise for existing participants, and terminate for employees hired on or after July 1, 2025.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Rules
- 02-04-25 S Do pass as substituted from committee Senate Rules
- Senate Bill 2598 - Parker
Senate Bill 2598 - Parker - Retired teachers; allow certain other public school retirees to return to work as teachers, librarians or counselors.
- 01-23-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Education
- 01-31-25 S Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
- 02/06 S Committee Substitute Adopted
- 02/06 S Passed
- 02/07 S Transmitted to House
- Senate Bill 2794 - Sparks
Senate Bill 2794 - Sparks - PERS; require any terminated plan to pay unfunded actuarial accrued liability to board in a lump sum before termination.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Rules
- 02-04-25 S Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
- 02-12-25 S Committee Substitute Adopted
- 02-12-25 S Passed
- Senate Bill 2863 - Sparks
Senate Bill 2863 - Sparks - MS Deferred Comp; allow Roth and other after-tax accounts, and comply with qualified domestic relations orders.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Rules
- 02-04-25 S Do pass from committee on Senate Rules
- 02-12-25 S Passed
- Senate Bill 2883 - Chassaniol
Senate Bill 2883 - Chassaniol - Welcome centers; authorize MDA to contract with and award grants to counties for staffing.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Tourism; Appropriations
- 01-30-25 S DR - TSDPCS: TO to AP
- 02-04-25 S Do pass as substituted from committee Senate Appropriations
- 02-12-25 S Committee Substitute Adopted
- 02-12-25 S Amended
- 02-12-25 S Passed as Amended
Passed - 2025 Legislative Session
There is no passed legislation.
Dead - 2025 Legislative Session
- House Bill 41 - Currie
House Bill 41 - Currie - Retirement; PERS and SLRP members convicted of certain felonies shall have benefits suspended until full restitution is made.
- 01-10-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Judiciary B
- 01-10-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 191 - Newman
House Bill 191 - Newman - PERS; certain law enforcement officers and firefighters shall receive one year of creditable service for every five years of service in Mississippi.
- 01-10-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs
- 01-10-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 489 - Denton
House Bill 489 - Denton - Retirement; elected officials convicted of certain felonies shall have benefits suspended until full restitution has been made.
- 01-10-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Judiciary B
- 01-10-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 490 - Denton
House Bill 490 - Denton - Retirement; elected officials convicted of certain felonies shall have benefits withheld until full restitution has been paid.
- 01-10-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Judiciary B
- 01-10-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 730 - Rushing
House Bill 730 - Rushing - Retirement; PERS members convicted of job-related felonies shall be terminated from system.
- 01-15-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Judiciary B
01-15-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A - 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- 01-15-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Judiciary B
- House Bill 782 - McMillian
House Bill 782 - McMillian - Law enforcement officers and firefighters; certain shall receive one additional year of creditable services in PERS for every 5 years of service.
- 01-16-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs
01-16-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A - 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- 01-16-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs
- House Bill 783 - McMillian
House Bill 783 - McMillian - Retirees; may be employed full time in critical need or shortage position with PERS employer and draw full benefits.
- 01-16-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs
- 01-16-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 784 - McMillian
House Bill 784 - McMillian - Retirees; may be employed full time in critical need or shortage position with PERS employer and draw full benefits.
- 01-16-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs
- 01-16-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 885 - Denton
House Bill 885 - Denton - PERS; county and municipal election commissioners shall be members of.
- 01-17-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs
- 01-17-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 1046 - Blackwell
House Bill 1046 - Blackwell - Retirement; allow PERS retirees to serve in elective office in same manner as for elected county or municipal offices.
- 01-17-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 1067 - Haney
House Bill 1067 - Haney - Retirement; persons convicted of certain felonies shall forfeit benefits from PERS, SLRP and MHSPRS.
- 01-17-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Judiciary B
- 01-17-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 1072 - Haney
House Bill 1072 - Haney - PERS; allow retirees to work as law enforcement officer for another employer and draw retirement allowance and work full time.
- 01-17-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on
- 01-17-25 H and also referred to committee on House Appropriations A
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 1233 - Brown
House Bill 1233 - Brown - Public school board members; allow those receiving an annual salary to be members of PERS.
- 01-20-25 H Referred to Education; Appropriations A
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 1332 - Zuber
House Bill 1332 - Zuber - Lottery proceeds; divert to fund PERS.
- 01-20-25 H referred to State Affairs
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Bill 1409 - Brown
House Bill 1409 - Brown - PERS; conduct study on feasibility of allowing all retired teachers to continue to work as a teacher in any school district and receive retirement allowance.
- 01-20-25 H Referred to Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Concurrent Resolution 2 - Johnson
House Concurrent Resolution 2 - Johnson - Constitution; conform initiative signature requirements from each congressional district to number of current congressional districts.
- 01-10-25 H referred to Constitution
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Concurrent Resolution 10 - Arnold
House Concurrent Resolution 10 - Arnold - Constitution; signatures from any congressional district cannot exceed fractional portion of number of signatures required for initiative petition.
- 01-15-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Constitution
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Concurrent Resolution 14 - Rosebud
House Concurrent Resolution 14 - Rosebud - Constitution; conform initiative signature requirements to current congressional districts for initiative petition.
- 01-16-25 H Referred to Constitution
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Concurrent Resolution 16 - Denton
House Concurrent Resolution 16 - Denton - Constitution; conform initiative signature requirements from each congressional district to number of current congressional districts.
- 01-17-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Constitution
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Concurrent Resolution 19 - McCray
House Concurrent Resolution 19 - McCray - Constitution; amend to conform initiative signature requirements to current congressional districts.
- 01-17-25 H referred to Constitution
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- House Concurrent Resolution 20 - McCray
House Concurrent Resolution 20 - McCray - Constitution; conform initiative signature requirements from each congressional district for an initiative petition to the number of current districts.
- 01-17-25 H referred to Constitution
- 02-04-25 H Died in Committee
- Senate Bill 2448 - Norwood
Senate Bill 2448 - Norwood - Legislature; allow PERS retirees to receive retirement allowance while serving as a member of.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Finance
- 02-04-25 S Died in Committee
- Senate Bill 2542 - Blount
Senate Bill 2542 - Blount - Initiative measure; create procedures for qualified elector to propose amendment to the Mississippi Code of 1972.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- 02-04-25 S Died in Committee
- Senate Bill 2556 - McMahan
Senate Bill 2556 - McMahan - PERS; require to engage CEFEX-certified and affiliated investment firm for fiduciary assessment of funds and practices.
- 01-23-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance
- 02-04-25 S Died in Committee
- Senate Bill 2806 - Blount
Senate Bill 2806 - Blount - PERS; provide that state bear responsibility for county and municipal employer contributions over July 1, 2024, rate.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Finance
- 02-04-25 S Died in Committee
- Senate Bill 2842 - Barrett
Senate Bill 2842 - Barrett - Retired law enforcement officers; provide full base pay for former position as retirement allowance.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Finance; Appropriations
- 02-04-25 S Died in Committee
- Senate Bill 2881 - Hopson
Senate Bill 2881 - Hopson - Regional health authorities; create the Delta Regional Health Authority.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Public Health and Welfare
- 02-04-25 S Died in Committee
- Senate Concurrent Resolution 517 - Seymour
Senate Concurrent Resolution 517 - Seymour - Constitution; amend Section 273 to reinstate initiative process and revise initiative signature requirements.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- 02-04-25 S Died in Committee
- Senate Concurrent Resolution 518 - England
Senate Concurrent Resolution 518 - England - Constitution; amend to provide that the people have the right to propose new statutes and amend or repeal existing statutes.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- 02-04-25 S Died in Committee
- Senate Concurrent Resolution 522 - Blackmon
Senate Concurrent Resolution 522 - Blackmon - Constitution; amend Section 273 to reinstate initiative process and revise initiative signature requirements.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- 02-04-25 S Died in Committee
- Senate Concurrent Resolution 523 - Blount
Senate Concurrent Resolution 523 - Blount - Constitution; amend Section 33 to authorize initiative procedure for new law.
- 01-20-25 S Referred to Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency
- 02-04-25 S Died in Committee